Don't Move a Mussel
Don't Move a Mussel!
Lake Nacimiento and San Antonio face a serious threat - dreissenid mussles. Here are basic guidelines on what is at risk, and what you can do to keep area lakes dreissenid mussel free.
What would happen if Lake Nacimiento or San Antonio was infested?
The lake ecosystem would never be the same.

There is no known means of eradication without killing everything else in the lake(s). In other words, once mussels get a foothold, there is no known way to get them out of our lakes. The balance of fish and other species in the lake would be noticeably impacted. Clumps and clusters of mussels would develop and their carcasses would accumulate on the shore.
We would have to declare ourselves an infected water body, a deterrent to boating and a negative impact on the local economy. Boats based at an infected lake would no longer be welcome on other lakes seeking to remain mussel-free.
Don't Let Our Lake Nacimiento Become Infested!!!
Make sure your vessel is Clean, Drained, and Dry.
Make sure you have a current Vessel Screening Permit, or a Resident Vessel Sticker and Resident Vessel Certificate.
If you are on the lake without a Vessel Screening Permit or a Resident Vessel Sticker and Certificate you are subject to a $2000 fine.
Repeated violation of the above may result in your launch ramp being closed.
More About The Mussels

Zebra and Quagga Mussels
Dreissena Polymorpha and Dreissena Bugensis

What are Zebra and Quagga Mussels?
A fresh water mussel
Average life span 3 to 5 years
One million eggs per year!!
Filter Feeder (eats microscopic organisms)
Attach to surfaces with byssal threads
Roughly about the size of an adult human’s thumbnail

Mussel Infestation Impact
Mussel Infestation Impacts the Lake Environment
Fills the air with the stench of decay (pseudofeces)
Disrupts ecosystem;"bad" algae and bacteria growth
Ecological damage to native habitat
Competes with native species for food
Creates a layer of broken shells over sandy beaches
Mussel Infestation Impacts Recreation
Encrust boar Cooling Systems
Reservoir Closures (Ex. San Justo Res.)
Clogs boat engines and components
Beach users impacted by sharp shell fragments
Mussel Infestation Impacts Local Economy
Reduced lake area property values.
Huge loss of tourist dollars for local economy
Destroys water conveyance systems
Increased operation & maintenance costs
Rapidly clogs water pipes decreasing flow
Mussel Prevention
Lake Nacimiento Mussel Prevention Program
Program adapts to best management practices
Over 380 volunteers
Annual Minimum Standards adopted by local agencies
Resident/Private ramp partnership with local agencies create policy improvements
Mussel Prevention Hotline
(805) 788-6006
Mussel Prevention Program Standards
All vessels must be CLEAN, DRAINED and DRY prior to inspection and launch.
Vessels exiting the Monterey County ramps may choose to be banded on exit. Banded vessels will complete a screening form to carry while on the lake and may not be required to undergo a screening or inspection.
All vessel operations must complete a Vessel Screening Permit or be enrolled and complying with the provisions of the Resident Vessel Program.
Vessels that have been on an infested lake within the past 30 days and/or fail to arrive in a CLEAN, DRAINED and DRY condition will be required to undergo a full inspection.
All vessels must pass a screening inspection, Vessel Screening Permit must be stamped by a certified screener, and stamped permit or valid Resident Vessel Certificate and Affidavit must be carried on the vessel.
No vessel will be allowed to launch that have been on an infested lake within the past 10 days or that fail inspection.
Permits are required on all vessels that have or should have Vessel Certificates of Numbers (CF#) and canoes, kayaks and pedal boats that have assigned serial numbers. Permits can be issued for any vessel that does not meet the above guidelines if requested by the operator.
Monterey County Water Resource Agency
San Luis Obispo County Water