NRWMAC Proposed Amendment to BOD Resolution on Tunnel Project

Last year, MCWRA drafted “Resolution 16-R03,” and presented it to NRWMAC and the landowners, purporting that it offers the protection sought. NRWMAC felt, and continues to feel, that this resolution is inadequate — that the language within the resolution doesn’t go nearly far enough with its protections. We have vigorously and continually voiced our concerns over this issue to MCWRA, and they have finally agreed to allow us to add the language we feel is necessary to protect the landowners. We have drafted our proposed amendment to the resolution, and we presented the amended resolution September 28, 2017, at the MCWRA meeting in Salinas.

Attached for review is NRWMAC’s proposed amendment.

Monterey County Water Resource Agency – Stakeholder Workshop 9/15/2017

On September 15, 2017, the Monterey County Water Resources Agency
(MCWRA) conducted a “Stakeholder Workshop” to provide updated information on
the status and progress of the Interlake Tunnel Project and the San Antonio Dam
spillway modification. The meeting, at Heritage Ranch, a community on Lake
Nacimiento, occurred on a Friday, and began at 2:00 pm…